неделя, 12 януари 2014 г.

3 Inspirational Stories About Love Relationships

Rob and Willa

"As a college student, I was teaching a Sunday school class of third graders. One of the eight-year-olds, Kirsten, regularly had prayer requests regarding her awful, mean, grouchy big sister. We regularly prayed that her sister would be nicer. Meanwhile, a number of people kept suggesting that I date Kirsten’s sister. Well, I’d heard enough to know to steer clear! At Christmas, Willa – Kirsten’s sister – approached me at church and handed me a Christmas card. I mumbled something noncommittal. About a year later, a friend I worked with was pitching to me how I should take her out. I told him I’d heard about her from her little sister. He laughed and told me that Kirsten had three sisters and Willa was definitely not the mean one. So – a year late – I told Willa,'Thanks for the Christmas card.' She retorted: 'Well, don’t expect another one!' We’ve now been married 28 years." ~ Rob

Tony and Lu

"In February 1985, Tony invested a small amount of money into Mel Fisher’s search to find the Nuestra Senora de Athocha, the treasure-laden Spanish galleon that sank off the coast of Key West in September 1622. On July 20, 1985, Fisher found the ship after searching for 16 years. A week later, Tony was in Key West to help recover the treasure.

"The same week, and out of the blue, my cousin called and asked if I wanted to go diving in Key West at the end of July. Absolutely! And off we went on a very impromptu vacation. On the morning of Aug 1, we were up early to dive the waters of Key West.

"Tony, taking a break from salvaging treasure, was on the same dive boat. I noticed the dark haired, good looking guy and made sure I heard his name when the dive manifest was read. After the first dive, he approached me as I was wearing a pair of running shorts with my alma mater logo on them, WVU, and he was from West Virginia.

"We discovered that we were born three months apart in Morgantown, WV. We learned later that he lived in an apartment right across from the hospital where I was born. I grew up in southwestern PA and he grew up in southern WV "After the dive, we went our separate ways. Later that day, I walked into the lobby of my hotel. At that moment, Tony walked in and picked up a house phone. I asked him if he was, by any chance, calling me! He invited me to dinner and when we arrived at the restaurant, we found it didn’t open for 15 more minutes. We put in our names and then went to the deck for a drink and to watch the sunset. Three hours later, we finally got around to having dinner.

"On Saturday, Aug 3, Tony proposed and I said yes. We were officially engaged 6 weeks later. That was 26 years ago. Tony likes to say that he found double the treasure in Key West!" ~ Lu

Joshua and Sarah

"We met in church in September on the anniversary of my father's death, which makes our relationship so much more redeeming. At first there was no attraction. He thought I was pretty, but he's met a lot of pretty Christians and they turned out to be 'blah'. As weeks went on, we hung out at a few church things. Little did I know that he started to get a lot of dreams that were pointing him to me. Just before Thanksgiving, he said one thing to me, and the scales fell from my eyes. I saw him in a whole new light. We could have met years before... He lived in UK for two years. His best mate, when he lived in Israel, was a bloke I went to Bible College within UK... But we met at the perfect time, when we were both content and ready to love the other." ~ Sarah

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